Wednesday, 3 October 2012

Anger from the Archive

I wrote the below belligerence quite a long time ago, before I ascended the ranks of professional geek. I stumbled upon it again today, and thought I best share...

Whenever I have some time to really throw away, I browse t'interweb. There really is nothing quite like crawling across the net, filling your mind with useless trite while purging the good stuff - like that business idea that will make you a millionaire, or where you left your car keys.
As fun as the internet is (and it is fun), it is also a place for complete fools to vomit their insignificance and anger. I know this; I am one of these fools. However, where my moronic rants could easily be described as self indulgent, narcissistic speechs that only serve to boost my ego, at least I do it using the right words.
I have a few pet hates, and at the top of the list is stupidity. If you look at the rest of my list, it is largely populated with specific acts of stupidity, none of which I can stomach. I am very fortunate to have landed a job where on a daily basis I am blessed with phonecalls from some of the stupidest people alive today. Really, it's what gets me up in the morning.
The stupid thing I want to wax lyrical about right now is the word loose. In itself, it is not a stupid word. It is the opposite of tight, or a description of someone that gives away carnal knowledge without the need for dinner and flowers. The stupid part only comes into play when someone uses this word as a verb - 'You are so going to loose, and I will, like, win.' There should probably be far more txt spk in there, and maybe less punctuation, but you get the general idea.
'Did you loose your passport?'
'No, it wasn't tight. And it would be loosen, you cretin.' 
The thing is, it happens all of the time. I can sort of see why, the ooze sound obviously tricks people into adding an extra o. The problem I have is that it is wrong, and webheads are littering forums and web pages with it so much that the internet is becoming a digital landfill. There are plenty of other similar incidents, but this is one of the more popular blunders and it seriously makes me want to scream.
That is all for today.

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