Sunday, 13 March 2011

Starting to Write

I have written stories for years. I don't want to mislead you here - I haven't written huge volumes of novels, in fact I haven't yet finished anything more than a short story. I have a novel that I have been writing for years, mainly because I haven't got the time to focus on it. I originally started it when I was bored at work almost ten years ago, just to pass the time. It was never meant to be anything more than that, and I surprised myself when I realised I was enjoying it, and started researching and mapping out the path that the characters took. Sadly, though, I came across a block that had me setting down my pen (keyboard) and I only recently revisited the half finished book. I aim to get it finished this year, along with another I have started, and see if anybody else likes them.

I have handed them around my family and friends, and they have given me some good feedback. Part of me thinks that this might be slightly biased so I feel the need to spread my prose to get a more rounded assessment. Not that I don't value the opinions of my loved ones, I certainly do. I don't have the kind of family that feels the need to crush other people's esteem in order to feel better about themselves. If they do, then they are doing a poor job because I haven't noticed!

To be honest, I write because I find it therapeutic. I would love to be published, but I am happy just to have people read my stuff and enjoy it. If nobody enjoys it, I am obviously doing something wrong - but I can't address that if nobody is reading it! I am optimistic that my Friday short episodic story entitled True Realm will get at least a few readers, and if I can keep it up it will serve to teach me about writing, and what I can expect if I am able to take it further. I am looking forward to what the future might bring!

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