Tuesday 13 December 2011

Too Many Cooks Destroy the Planet

It has been a very long time since I last graced my presence on these pages, so I thought I would mark the occasion with a very deep and possibly controversial discussion.

It is no secret that, as humans, we are killing off the planet. We burn fossil fuels, destroy the ozone layer, pollute the air and water - and that is before we start senselessly murdering plants and animals - including each other. The problem is that we know about it, and yet we just can't stop ourselves from our endless destructive spiral into eventual suicide.

A large part of this is the human ability to survive. Charles Darwin was responsible for documenting nature's method of sustaining a balance in each ecosystem, and we have done our very best to prove him wrong by ensuring that those among us too stupid or incapable of surviving in fact live to a ripe old age - all the while creating a strain on society and causing the 'fitter' of us to support them. The way I see it, humanity should evolve the way it has for the past millennia or so - by removing the useless and weak aspects of the race, and enhancing the bits that make us more tolerant to our terrain, and make our lives more efficient. Instead we are hampered in our advances by some guidelines that are intended to aid humanity - human rights and health and safety laws. Whereas I do agree with most human rights, and that everyone should be treated fairly and equally, I also believe that if you make the decision to knowingly and wilfully break any laws or rules that affect another, you should also in effect decide that you can live without human rights yourself. However, that is a topic of discussion for another time. Right now, I want to wax lyrical about the absurdity of health and safety.

It is an area brought about by legal issues. For some reason, and I cannot for the life of me find any other than financial gain, people think that it is fine and dandy to go about life without a conscious thought and blame any accident or mishap on 'liable' people or institutions who didn't point out that suspending yourself over plate glass while teetering on the top of a ladder that is balanced on an office swivel chair could result in injury. What should have been the removal of stupidity from the gene pool has become an incessant dumbing-down of humanity. Add to this the fact that these idiots are still alive and procreating, and you have the recipe for overpopulation - and you can be sure that this overwhelming mass of fools are selfishly and stubbornly aiding in the destruction of our planet.

So what is the answer? Well, if you disregard the rights that we all have as humans then you could enforce a stupid person culling - perhaps a quick IQ test or something similar would highlight all those that need to be terminated. A bit harsh? Perhaps, but what else is there? We are racing towards annihilation by simply allowing the useless dregs of society to breed, spawning yet more fleshy, resource-sapping cretins to dilute our chances of evolving into a better version of ourselves. Now, I don't want this to sound elitist or condescending, so I will take a slightly different angle and stop spending time on the lazy good-for-nothing fuckers. Consider a couple of intelligent, useful members of society that have four offspring. Each of these children grow up to be intelligent, useful members of society, and each has four offspring themselves. That is twenty people in two generations - but they are self-sustaining, they have no need for any help from their community, so that is fine, right? All except for the fact that simply by living, we are causing irrevocable damage to everything we get our grubby little paws on - perhaps not in a diseased Midas touch way, but the sheer volume of population means we cannot sustain ourselves. Travel back 50 years, and you cut the world's population by over 50% - and even that number was causing a problem for Mother Nature. At the rate we are going, not only will we run out of fuel, but we may well run out of space.

Maybe genocide is not the answer. But surely we should think about the consequences of overpopulation. Nations are currently in so much debt, it hurts to think about the amount of money they owe. Unemployment is at a ridiculous level - and surely it can only get worse if we are increasing the number of people alive. I honestly don't think there is a valid answer that will resolve the issue. We, as a collective, will kill each other and everything on the planet eventually, and there is nothing that will stop us. Happy Christmas.